Lately I have been working on my stockinette stitch. For some reason I have been having difficulty purling. When I first learned to knit, I actually found the purl stitch easier to do than the knit stitch. But now, I am struggling with it. Perhaps I am holding my needles differently and maybe even wrong. Anyway, I wanted to make a small washcloth with the letter B on it to give to a friend, so I found a neat pattern and got busy. What an adventure and lesson learned! Let me tell you about it.
Continue reading “Chronicle #16: Knitted Letter Washcloth”Chronicle #15: Stockinette Border
The first question that I asked my avid knitter wife and knitting teacher after I had finished a pattern that used a stockinette stitch was whether the edges were supposed to curl up the way they did. I thought I had done something wrong. Though the stitching looked great, I wasn’t too happy with the curling on the sides of my work. Turns out, there are lots of ways to fix that curling; an easy way is to add a Stockinette Border.
Continue reading “Chronicle #15: Stockinette Border”Chronicle #14: About Shamrocks
In observance of St. Patrick’s Day, I decided to knit and give my avid knitter wife an Irish Shamrock. She really liked the Valentine’s Day Hearts that I knitted for her, so I can only imagine and hope for a similar outcome. Over the course of this new adventure, knitting the Irish Shamrock, I learned a few new knitting skills and I also learned a few new things about shamrocks. Let me tell you all about it.
Continue reading “Chronicle #14: About Shamrocks”Chronicle #13: From Yarn to Hat
I had been wanting to knit a hat for quite some time now, so I asked my teacher, my avid knitter wife, for an easy hat pattern for beginner knitters. Knowing my skill level, or lack thereof, she gave me a really good one. It was a pattern for a hat that would be knit on straight needles and then seamed. Easy enough, yet I had to learn a few new skills, so let me tell you about my new adventure in getting from yarn to hat!
Continue reading “Chronicle #13: From Yarn to Hat”Chronicle #12: First Intentional Eyelet
Today I did something that I am really proud of, I made my first intentional eyelet. To be fair, perhaps my feeling of pride is a bit unwarranted as I have been making quite a few accidental eyelets ever since learning to knit. But at least now, I know how to do it. I know what causes that hole in my knitting which is good for both making an eyelet when desired and avoided making that hole when it is not. So what is an eyelet and why might a knitter want to make it?
Continue reading “Chronicle #12: First Intentional Eyelet”Chronicle #11: Valentine’s Day Hearts
I am pleased to report that I had a wonderful Valentine’s Day with my avid knitter wife. We enjoyed a wonderful picnic at a beautiful park; no computers, no phones. It was just the two of us and well, a lot of other people. You see, the park was one of Disney’s theme parks, Hollywood Studios. But what made this Valentine’s Day magical, truly magical, was not just the movie magic of the theme park, but a special surprise that I knitted for her, three Valentine’s Day Hearts.
Continue reading “Chronicle #11: Valentine’s Day Hearts”Chronicle #10: Beginner Observations
Okay, I have been at this knitting for a few weeks. I can make a slip knot, cast on, knit, purl, and bind off. I have practiced a lot and completed three projects; a golf ball washcloth, a phone mat, and a set of armrest and headrest covers for my La-Z-Boy armchair. And of course, I have made lots of mistakes along the way and become quite adept at frogging. My enthusiasm for learning how to knit is still high, despite the frustrations that I have experienced with my learning-to-knit books and with my teacher, my avid knitter wife. So let me sound off and share with you some of my learning how to knit Beginner Observations.
Continue reading “Chronicle #10: Beginner Observations”Chronicle #9: Armchair Covers
I am now ready for my most ambitious project and adventure to date. Mind you, I am just on the fourth page of my Knitting Made Easy book and I have so much more to learn, but I have all the skills I need for the project that I have in mind. What makes this project so exciting and compelling for me to do is that I aim to kill two birds with one stone. You see, I hope to beautify my old and ever so comfortable La-Z-Boy chair and at the same time end the conversation about replacing it – a subject which my avid knitter wife has been bringing up with increasing regularity. Wish me luck!
Continue reading “Chronicle #9: Armchair Covers”Chronicle #8: Phone Mat
I really enjoyed learning the Stockinette Stitch. Though I initially struggled with inadvertently making Knit Stitches in my Purl row and sometimes forgetting to alternate between rows of Knit and Purl Stitches, I found a way to overcome those mistakes by saying to myself, “Knit down, Purl across” as I went about my work. After an evening of practice I got the hang of it and I got an idea for my second project, a solution to a problem that I have with my cell phone.
Continue reading “Chronicle #8: Phone Mat”Chronicle #7: Stockinette Stitch
Having learned how to make a Purl Stitch, I looked forward to my next adventure, the Stockinette Stitch. The instructions in my Knitting Made Easy book for making a Stockinette Stitch were surprisingly brief, alternate knit and purl rows. I thought to myself, I can make a Knit Stitch and a Purl Stitch so it stood to reason that I should be able to make a Stockinette Stitch. Suddenly, I found myself thinking of the quote by Thomas Aquinas, “Men live according to sense, not reason.” Hmm. Though reason was telling me I could do it; sense was telling me something else. Let’s see.
Continue reading “Chronicle #7: Stockinette Stitch”